Thursday, February 12, 2015


Honestly, I hate how most people underestimate girls. Girls should ALWAYS be respected, but whatever we do is criticized. Does it matter if I'm not good at a certain sport? Does it change how I look? It doesn't, and honestly, girls are amazing, I just want people to know that. We get rated based on our looks, and the way we act. Does it matter? I for one, believe that when we have equal justice between men and women this SHOULDN'T HAPPEN! Am I right ladies, or am I right? The song below represents this message perfectly. I AM PROUD TO BE A GIRL!

I love this song! It's so inspiring!

Forever Trisha <3


  1. Great video! Sorry it took me so long to check out this post! I've just been swamped with stuff!!! Anyway, awesome video, everyone I've ever talked to (guys and girls) think everyone's equal, and I've always thought so too. So I never gave it much thought. :)

  2. I know, but it bothers me that some boys in my school think girls can't do things they can. Anyways, it's all about.making a difference, one step at a time.


Hey guys!! Feel free to leave anything that's on your minds. I love you all!!